Short-Courses on Numerical Methods for Interface Problems of Multiphase Materials
2017-05-23 14:32     

During May 8-12, 2017, a short-course on Numerical Methods for Interface Problems of Multiphase Materials organized by Applied and Computational Mathematics Division, has been held in CSRC. The short course was attended by over 120 participants, with half coming from other institutions of CAEP, half coming from other institutions and universities, including Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Science and Technology of China, and Nankai University, etc.

During the short course, Prof. Garth Nathan WELLS from Cambridge University, UK, delivered a one-hour speech on automating scientific computing. Several lectures were given by five professors respectively at the short course, Prof. Jie Li, coming from Cambridge University, UK, introduced “Finite Element Methods and Its Applications on Moving Meshes”, Prof. Xiaolin Li from Stony Brook University, USA, gave lectures on “Explicit Front Tracking and Applications to Physics and Engineering Problems”, Prof. Zhilin Li from North Carolina State University, USA, introduced “Immersed Interface Method and Applications to Free Boundary and Moving Interface Problems”, Prof. Kemin Shyue from National Taiwan University and Prof. Feng Xiao from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, gave lectures on “Diffuse Interface Methods for Comressible Multiphase Flow” and “Toward High-Fidelity Finite Volume Method for Interfacial Multiphase Flow Simulations on Unstructured Grids” respectively.

The short course is a success and many participants had hot discussions with our lecturer and said they have benefited a lot from the short course, and hope CSRC can continue to hold such short courses in the future.




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